Completed -
Confiared S.R.L. -
A data center is a building or, a dedicated space within a building used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications.
Since IT operations are crucial for business continuity, it generally includes redundant or backup components and infrastructure for power supply, data communication connections, environmental controls, and various security devices.
For Confiared I make data center tier 4 (maximal redundancy) and tier 1 (minimal redundancy but low price).
I had to make the sub-network, IGP, software to manage and monitor the network. I organise the data center as cluster, when one data center is down, no afect other data center, all the image/data is local to minimize the bandwidth used inter data center
I do too the software for DNS, gateway down detector, CDN, all with manual test, automatic test, metrics, and high performance to offload the data center
I have to build the structure, IT and physical security, thermal conception, UPS management, and other funny stuff
All the photo in this portafolio is real. My strong knowledge into software cluster, server, P2P and high availability/fault tolerance was very helpful